Monday, March 21, 2005

Real Job / Side Job

My “Real” job:

Today, I had one parent bring me hot flavored tea (yum) and another parent bring me cupcakes… (double yum!) Yeah, today is a good day… perks and everything.

I had three new clients sent to me by the gym across the street (moms who are looking for care for their little ones so that they can get some exercise in) and so, I sent them flowers for the referrals.

They called me today to say thank you for the flowers and to let me know that they need more fliers (wahoo!). Soon, I will have my new logo finished, and I will take the template over to the nearby printers and have a bunch made up… along with a nifty new stand to rest them in.

My side job (that makes no money yet):

I sent out two stories to 5 publishers yesterday. It’s called sim subbing, and all the ones I sent it to said they don’t mind simultaneous submissions in their writer’s guidelines. Cool.

I have three stories I need to review yet, two stories of my own I need to edit and progress I need to make on my novel (I will get it finished one day, I swear it). In between that is the normal daycare, housework, and then my own family I need to take care of (which includes yet another three loads of laundry *sigh*).

I need this fantasy life I have built with my writing. I need to immerse myself in a land of make believe where anything can happen. My life has so many “have to’s” just like everyone else in the world does, that the chance to make “something” be anything I want it to be, is a real ego lift.

I also need the time of editing, that sharpens my mind and stretches my abilities. I desperately need to feel like I am growing and not going stagnant. I need to see that growth in measurable increments. That’s why I send those stories out to get published. I need to know that I am getting better, that more and more of what I write is getting accepted.

I do this because I need to grow. It’s that or die.

Well, nap time will soon be over, I need to go switch the laundry over and see if I can get to any of those reviews before the kiddos wake up, or mine come home from school.

I hope your day is being productive, visitor. Thanks for stopping in and checking out how my day went.


Dana said...

Hey girl! I know what you mean. You definately have more going on than I do, since I don't have "real" job. :) But it is hard taking care of the kids and hubbie, cleaning the house, trying not to blog so much that anything gets neglected.

Good luck on your subs!

Deanna said...

Thank you for leaving the comment Sis, somtimes you wonder if there is anyone out there.

And today there was! What a nice surprise:-)