Thursday, June 23, 2005

On reading and writing

Today the votes close on the challenge at the NoteBored. I am excited because I seem to be doing well and getting votes. *yay!* I will open a reveal thread on the bbs and let everyone admit to which story was theirs.

Today I am working on a short story that was written maybe 6 months ago. (I’d have to check the creation date on it to be sure) It deals with abuse and it’s unsettling. Every time I go to polish it to get it off my desk and out the door, my eyes slide right off of it and I find something else to do that “needs” to be done. Avoidance! Plus, there is that nasty little niggling of where to send it. I don’t know of any editors who are interested in this type of story. I have put out a call of help to the community of writers I hang out with, it could be that I will find someone who can help aim my submission.

Today is the 4th day of VBS, the skits seem to be working well and though I have the largest group of kids in my “class” they are not unmanageable and seem to respond to my leadership just fine. It’s going well.

I am also reading two books these days: Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb and Tricksters Queen by Tamora Pierce; an instructional Christian book and a young adult fantasy. I also have this nice stack of Sci Fi mags (Asimov and Analog) that I was given by a friend to read. I have at least two of them in progress. I love to read longer stories, but I find that I write more short fiction than anything else. So, it’s very good to read the stories that “made the cut” for the magazines I want to submit to. I still have a ways to go before my fiction is ready for those publications, but I will keep aiming myself there.

Well, I am off to work on “Burn” and no more procrastinating. I think it is time to finish the polish on that story and get it out the door. Thanks for tagging along with me today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Comments needed!

It’s been way too long since I updated my journal. I am sorry for that. I know that there are a few of you who do check in everyday.

I have spent the last few weeks working on the VBS skits for my church. E-mail me if you want to read a copy of them, or you can join the NoteBored ( and read them on the play forum.

Speaking of the NoteBored, it’s growing! We’ve had lots of new people join recently and the writing contests are picking up speed too. We just finished a challenge with the word “Star” as the trigger and tomorrow the voting ends to choose which story was best. Very cool.

I have hit a point now where I need to decide where to focus my writing time. Should I buckle down and finish one of the longer stories I have going, but not finished? Or should I start revising the plethora of short stories that sit on my hard drive? If, after reading the list of things I have going from the previous entry, you have one that strikes your interest, please leave me a comment. Chances are good that if you are interested in it from the description, an editor might be interested in it in its final form. If you do leave me a suggestion; and you want to see the revised version of what you’ve chosen, send me an e-mail asking for a copy and I will gladly let you read it too. (I just can’t publish it here if I want to sell it in the future.)

Feedback is a good thing!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Works in progress

Today I am going to start writing the VBS skits … I have been putting it off way too long and now it’s down to the wire.

In fact, I am going to use them in my “classroom” forum on The NoteBored, as an assignment. Wish me luck?

Today is also billing day. I need more than luck; I need a swift kick in the pants to keep motivated!

I just wanted to log into here and let people know I am still alive, still kicking and still writing. (I was able to get another thousand words applied to my historical fiction and another 800 words tacked on to a short story- turned novel. So my muse hasn’t been quiet, I just need to be focusing on the VBS Skits next!

I spent a few hours and updated my works in progress a little while back, and I am thinking of posting that here on my blog as well. Mostly so that those who do follow my rants here can get a glimps of what I have been doing and what I have in progress, since I don’t post my stories here. (if I ever hope to sell them, publishing them here first would be a mistake as that would my “first publishing rights”)

Now that I’ve said it, I think I will.

Let me know if you would like to read any of these stories, I will e-mail you directly if you do. I can always use feedback!

Works in progress

Stories I am actively submitting / or awaiting responses:Broken Eggs – Flash - a story about how a young mother reacts to the death of her sister. This story was inspired by a true event, and not heavy on conflict, which may be the reason it’s not getting pubbed anywhere yet. I confess that I haven’t kept good track of where it has been sent – I need a better system to do this! If anyone wants to read this and help me look for a home for it, let me know and I will post it here in this forum.

Bad Things Come in Threes – Flash – This came out of a Scrawl challenge and has gone through many upon many rewrites. It has gathered lots of rejection notices. It may need yet another rewrite but I second guess my own judgment on this one. In any case, either it needs to get back out there… or I just cut bait and pull a different fish from my barrel. You are welcome to peek at it if you like.

A Choice of Two Evils – Flash – A horrorish story about reincarnation, an evil mage and one old woman who has to make a terrible decision.

Sarah’s Winter – Short Story / Flash – This is a Christian flash dealing with grief and anger toward God. I’ve gotten some mixed reviews on it and it’s gone through lots of rewrites. This has been subbed to a paying mag, still waiting for a reply.

Stories that need to be actively in the submission circuit and would you please kick me in the pants?
Run – Flash - A woman finds the courage and runs away from her old life. We don’t know why she ran, but she does and seems okay with it. Of all the crits I have gotten on this one, none of them mind not knowing why she’s left. It’s got a satisfying ending.

Stories that need a final polish or a fresh set of eyes:
Words – Flash - 500 Word Essay on, you guessed it, writing.

Heaven In His Eyes – Play – This is a full length Easter play. It was the first play I’d ever written and I think that although it needs some polish (I am a stronger writer now than when this was written) It needs to get the final polish and I will likely send it to the same playhouse that I send “All Boxed up.” As with that play, this one needs to be formatted correctly.

All Boxed Up – Play- This is a Christmas monologue of a woman who is grieving the first year without her husband as she digs out the Christmas ornaments. I think this play is ready for a final polish and I need to investigate the formatting requirements for sending to a Christian playhouse.

Stories I am working on the second draft and incorporating all the great feedback, I have already gotten:
Burn – Flash – This is is a very disturbing story. It’s one that I am having a hard time sitting still and working on because of it’s subject matter. Since it is on my desk now, let me know if you would like to read it. I think I will be ready for new eyes (or simply to repost it by the end of the week.

Stories that are sitting in my rewrite folder:
Joy Ride – Flash – Yet another Liberty Hall flash contest. It got some votes for it’s characterization! This flash was inspired by a picture trigger of a little girl on a bike (with training wheels), perched at the very top of a roller coaster.

Road Kill – Flash - from Liberty Hall flash contest and I’ve gotten some good advice for the rewrite. A runaway teen starts to rethink her decisions, and still shies away from them in the end.

Freefall – Sci Fi Short Story – Liberty Hall flash challenge. I forget the trigger at the moment, but I loved this new world I’d created. Once I pull it out again, it might get moved to the novel section. The question is: would that doom it to certain death or will it stand a better chance of getting done if I keep it as a short story? Things to make you go “hmmmmm.”

A Father’s Dream – Flash – I read a blog from a man who was grieving the loss of his baby who was aborted. The blog evoked such a strong emotional response from me, I tried to write my own flash story that reflected the emotions he’d mapped out so well for me. The crits I’ve gotten on this say everything from “Too heavy handed” (political / religious) to, “Too feminine for a male viewpoint”. So I sort of shelved it for now, but in it’s re-write will likely be targeted for a Christian publication.

The Sleep Monster – Short Story – This is a Liberty Hall, flash picture challenge. This one needs a major rewrite and some length added to it.

Ophelia and Henry – Flash – This came from a challenge over at Zoetrope (Elizabeth Crabtree’s office). I like the characters, and I have been given good advice on it, I just need to pick it up again and do the rewrite.

Untitled from NoteBored “Blank” Challenge – A wife hears “I am leaving for another woman” and this is her response to him. This one has some promise, but not sure what to do with it. Maybe another set of eyes…

Other Side of the Door – Flash – Liberty Hall Picture challenge. It’s an okay flash, I am not wild about it. But maybe I just need some advice on if it’s worth revamping or what.

Utricide – Flash – Liberty Hall’s first flash. I like the story, hate the name – needs a powerful rewrite.

Kelsey – Flash – failed flash, needs a storyline and some conflict. Right now I just like the girl who was born from it. I may keep this character but put her in a new situation later on.

Momma Hoyer’s Tale – Short Story -A family friend hears the story of when Momma Hoyer was a little girl.

The Nature of Love – Poem – This needs a new title and a rewrite! It came out of my own loneliness during tax season for my husband, who is a CPA.

Wrong Side of the Tracks – Short Story - My first crack at a mystery (two scenes).

You Don’t Miss Much – Flash – This is the story of a younger brother who feels the distance between he and his elder brother growing ever since he got a girlfriend.

Kiss the Prince – Poem – This is from the scrawl flash challenge “frog.” This one has gone through several tiny rewrites. I am giving it a little bit of time to sit while I look for a market.

Sundial Kitty – Poem – This is from the LH flash challenge “Transom.” This needs a rewrite and some cuts. I tried to make this poem do too many things.

Night Moves – Flash – A single mother struggles to raise her teenage son, alone.

End of the Rainbow – Stort Story? Flash? To be honest, I wrote it so long ago, it might be scrap. I think I would need to submit a cleaned up copy for a round of crits to see what the feedback is on it.

A Mixed Bag – Play – One Act play about a diverse group of people stuck in the back hallways of a mall for a tornado. These characters all talk about what’s important to them and what they will do if they get out of it alive.

What Was He Thinking? – Play – A humorous Christmas skit that pokes a tiny bit of fun while it illustrates the reasons why a bunch of shepherds on a hill were the first ones to hear about Jesus being born.

Miracle Makeovers – Play – A game show style skit that talks about how being a Christian doesn’t mean that you are suddenly perfect.

The Blind Man’s Tale - Play – Easter monologue of a man who was born blind, given sight by Jesus and is now narrating His final moments in front of Pontius Pilot.

Pocket lint – Play – A short skit that illustrates normal financial pressures and dynamics within a family. I need to put an ending on this. It was commissioned from a lady at church who didn’t want a happy ending, but wanted to leave you with a sense of hanging. I complied and gave her something she was happy with, but never came back to give it closure.

Stories that are much longer and are on various stages of never-done-ness:
Spider in the Web – Sci Fi Novel – I have posted a few pages of this for crits and gotten some very positive feedback. This is an “After the genetic and chemical, third world war” sort of story. It’s character driven and likely the most thought out and complex story I’ve ever tried to write. I don’t think I am a strong enough writer to do it justice yet.

Mail Order Bride – Historical Romance Novel – 8,662 words (as of 06-01-05)

This is so far, three stories that I am trying to tie into one. I have the story of a good medicine man – gone bad, who becomes the antagonist. There is the doctor, who has a small Pennsylvania practice, and takes in a wayward medicine man who becomes fixated on his daughter (who happens to wear a pendant that he once gave to his long dead wife). Then there is that daughter (all grown up) who travels west to become a mail order bride after her father has been murdered by said Indian. This Indian is now tracking her across Civil War torn country, to claim that pendant. A pendant he believes to hold power.

Will Sally be able to save herself from the mad medicine man before he weaves his plots? *eyebrows wriggle* I need to figure that!

Maggie (The Guardian Series) – Young Adult Novella 15,944 words (as of 06-01-05) and nine chapters done out of 14 chapters in the outline. Here is the teaser:

General story line…
The Guardian series revolves around the supposition that at the time in history when God shortened man’s life span to 120, he left a several men and women with their original DNA structure intact. As in the days before the flood, God grants long life to a Guardian along with the ability to see and speak into the spiritual realm as John and Daniel did. The Guardians each hold in their trust a talisman from ages past. They remain in the background tipping the balance here and standing in the crossroads there; helping humankind along the rocky road down history.

Maggie’s story line… present day
Maggie, asked by her Grandmother to come and visit for the summer, has a decision she has to make. After much considering, she accepts and is soon away from her family for the first time and feeling home-sick. Fate takes a left turn as she realizes that all is not as it seems at first. Why does grandma disappear for unexplained periods? What is she hiding in her attic? As her curiosity grows, she is caught up in mystery and intrigue. Join Maggie, as she uncovers Grandma’s secret and finds the courage to meet her own future.

Stories that are plotted and / or outlined:
A Laundry Maids Tale – Anecdotal Novel – Think Erma Bombeck, only with laundry… lots of laundry.

Pencilvania – Children’s Picture Book – What happens when color comes to a decidedly black and white pen and pencil world?

Stories that are too small for a flash and need to be expanded into a novel. (Also known as, “doomed never to see the light of day” at the rate I am going.)
New Haven – Flash challenge that was too big for it’s britches.

Icarus – Flash challenge that was too big for it’s britches

Without a Trace – Flash challenge that was too big for it’s britches