It's 6:15 pm and the sun is STILL shining!
It's painting a beautiful orange light on the buildings and the tips of the bare stalks of weeds in the field behind me.
I just wanted to share my happiness that spring is coming - no matter the freezing temps!
I have to admit that it was weird to shovel the driveway last week to the sound of birds chirping... but the mourning doves have returned and they sit on the swingset outside, grooming and fluffing each other to insulate for the cold.
Happy Almost-Spring!!

hey! beautifull snowman (I miss them, I guess they don't like North Carolina :)
I'm just passing by, however, you're business woman, so I thought you might be interested to be little more protected:
protection for you and your family! and everybody else that you know...
wish you best of the best, but probablly the most nice sunny days very soon!
That's a really cool looking snowman!! :)
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