Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Ah well, Smokelong Quarterly sent me a rejection notice.

Smokelong Quarterly is a higher tier of mag (for my ability) to send it out to. I send stuff to the higher rungs first, collect the rejection notices and then go to the next level. The thing I need to remember though, is that my name and my stories are going under their nose fairly often. I will keep trying and in that process, hopefully, develop a kind of relationship based on the quality of stuff I am sending them. One day, they will see my name and say to themselves “Oh look who sent us something again! I wonder where she will take me today.”

This isn't a slam on the other pubs out there. It's more about circulation, and which mags the agents pick through in looking at new talent.

In a fit of optimism yesterday, I sent a production company my story that's in the November 7th issue of They are a brand new company producing their first DVD, sort of a portfolio, really. They were looking for a short sci fi script that they could use to highlight their talent, and attract bigger investors.

If they like the short story, I would then become a student of the art of writing a screenplay and adapt it into that format for them. A learning experience for all.

I have yet to hear from them. They may say that it’s not a good fit for what they are trying to do. And if they do, that’s okay. Know why?

Because yesterday, I dared to dream my horizons bigger than the were the day before.

THAT makes me near giddy.

Okay, I know I am a strange sort of person. It’s a good thing people like me anyway.

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