Thursday, March 10, 2005


I did it again!


The dishes are done, the laundry has been switched over (it’s never really done, just in various states of backlog…). Four of the five kids are brushed, prayed with and down for the night (the teenager won’t let me put him down anymore – go figure). I have found the floor (I knew it was under that pile of toys, backpacks, shoes, jackets and snow pants somewhere). I did the dishes *holds wrinkly fingers to the monitor to prove it* and restocked the coffee maker with it’s magic time-to-get-up ingredients and wouldn’t you know it… instead of putting it on “auto” to brew at 6:00 am for the morning – I turned it “ON” !



I hate being on autopilot.

Well, while the coffee maker has it’s days and nights mixed up, I am settling in to do the bills. I need to catch up the checkbook, enter in the credit card charges and all that jazz. I will see if I can race the washer in it’s cycle to the music of perking coffee and finish in time to get to some reviews that have stacked up. If I can get them done, then that leaves tomorrow to do some revisions on my own stories and maybe, just maybe I can shoo off another story or two to gather rejection notices like it were building it’s very own spring nest.

Somebody remind me to get the garbage out to the curb tomorrow morning? I seem to be in autopilot and with my luck I will forget.

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