Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Long Story Short

Wahoo!!!! Lookie at what came in the mail today!!!

Dear Ms. Rittinger,

Congratulations! The editors of Long Story Short have accepted your story, A Day in the Life of a Mouse, to be published in our April issue. This will make a cute addition to our children's stories.

The newsletter and e-zine are published the 7th of each month. You can view your story, at that time.

We hope you tell your family and friends the good news. They can sign up on the home page to receive the newsletter. You've been added.

A Media Release is below to alert your local newspaper, writing groups, family/friends, etc., of your acceptance.

We look forward to receiving more of your stories.


Linda Barnett-Johnson
Assistant Editor

I am so excited I can barely contain myself! That makes two stories I have in the published world. The other being at Ultraverse.us November 7th Issue.

I will be walking on clouds all day long now.

Please, no one burst my bubble, let this moment be full and complete. Real life will invade and the daily grind will go on, but for this perfect moment, I want to bask in it.

*happy, satisfied smile*


Der Tommissar said...

Do they pay you?

Arethusa said...

That's awesome news. Just dropping in from BE and had to give my congratulations. :)

Deanna said...

I commented back by e-mail to all of you, but let me say again here... thank you for the comments of encouragement. They give my soul wings!

keed said...


Bonez said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I can't even image the electric thrill that would run through me if I should ever experience an acceptance to publish something I had written. I need to keep my eye on you to see just how it's done.

Paula said...

That's great!

Michael K. Willis said...

Outstanding :-) The acceptance letters make all of the rejections easier to bear (well almost anyway...)


Deanna said...

Billy, Tony, Paula and Michael:

Thank you all for taking the time to post to my blog, it makes my day!

Dana said...

Hi! I found your blog while surfing for writer's blogs. I really like your writing. Congratulations on the acceptance letter! I haven't submitted anything yet, so I haven't gone through the horrifying waiting period. LOL