I'm going to go all fan-girl on you for a moment. If you don't like Jim Butcher or James Marsden, or the Dresden files... well then, drive on by.
I'm currently listening to the Dresden Files on MP3. Our local library lets you download audio books through a site called Destination Download, and using a software I downloaded first called Overdrive, it stores and transfers your selections. It also has a timer on it that allows you borrow the copy for 7 to 14 days. Then it expires.
Anyway, now that all the connections, links and acknowledgements are done I just want to say: The audio version of the books that I have loved for years actually make it possible to love it fresh all over again. How often do you get to do that? How often do you get to love the same thing twice for the first time?
Jim Butcher does an amazing job telling a good tale. I actually had to erase half of this paragraph because it just got too gushy... which derails me from getting to the point, and just makes me sound like a groupie. Which I would be if that were possible in this media. It's embarrassing.
James Marsters is an actor with a tremendous range for voices and accents. Most of you will remember him as the character Spike, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (As an aside, Joss Wheden is brilliant not only for his own works but also for his casting ability.) You can close your eyes and let the action play inside your mind just like it were a movie. It's that good. Seriously. All it's missing is the sound effects.
Anyway, I've had Jim's words and James's voice in my ear for the last few days. And it's been fun. It keeps me motivated, keeps me company. If I had money to spare, and not money that was already earmarked for things like a new roof, saving for my girls college, for the next car repair etc... I would totally buy this whole set and have it for my own,... well, for keeps.
As it is, I have the next one in the series on hold at the library and will wait for it to become available.
In a perfect world, Joss would get the movie options to produce the Dresden novels as individual movies. Or, failing that, a reboot of the series. (There was a short-lived version of it out there for a while... but they didn't follow the books really closely, they took the ideas, the character names and the concepts but went in their own direction.)
You don't know about the Dresden series? Oh how lucky you are! And you don't even know it. Why? Because you, dear friend, if you allow your curiosity to lead you into that fey-ridden Chicago underworld, will get to discover it fresh ...
For the very first time.
Yeah... it's that good.
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