Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.PROVERBS 4:23 NIV
As a mother of girls, this verse I would tattoo on them if I could. It's in a girls nature to just want to be loved... guard your heart! Discipline it to see first the strength and maturity of the young man's own life before you give him yours. But this verse goes even deeper than this top layer that I went to first.
The world works hard at teaching people to listen to their heart and follow it's dictates blindly, as though it were some great authority,and following it a virtue. How many movies have you seen that follow this script?
Like a child, our hearts (the seat of our emotions) come into the world undisciplined and always hungry. Hungry for love, for acceptance, for respect, for belonging.
But somehow in our world we have it backward. We believe that our hearts - our emotions are incourruptable, and it's everyone else who needs to change or understand or accomodate us. So we go from one emotion to another always in search of validation to justify our decisions and postitions.
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