Friday, June 28, 2013

The Commerce of the Moment

Luke Chapter 2

Now there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was righteous and devout.  He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.  It had been revealed to him, by the Holy Spirit, that he would not die before he saw the Lord’s Christ.  (Luke 2:25-26)

There was also a prophetess, Ana, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.  She was very old.  She had lived with her husband for seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.  She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. 

This whole passage in scripture has always fascinated me.  I only posted the introductions of these two extraordinary people, please go back and read all of what they said to Mary and Joseph when they presented Jesus at the temple for the first time.

God provides not one but two witnesses, heralds, you might say, to announce the presence of Christ among the people.  The scripture doesn’t say that it caused a big fuss though.  Most of them likely didn’t even know what was happening right in front of them.

And that’s what I want to zero in on today.  Simeon and Ana were aware, awake, to what was happening in front of them.  The rest of the people had agendas, to do lists; “Stop at the temple, exchange Roman coin for temple coin, cue up at the line to make the sacrifice, stop at the cobbler on the way home, baby needs a new pair of shoes.”  Just because they lived in a different time, didn’t make them different than we are today.  We still sit in our church service making lists in our heads of the things we need to get done, don’t we?

I’m not saying that we should all be like Ana who stayed at church (temple) the entire time fasting and praying.  Well, then nothing would get done – would it?  But I am saying that she didn’t lose her focus on the things that were important.  She and Simeon were aware and watching for God to do the things he told them he would do.  Not only through the written prophesy from the past (the consolation of Israel: the birth of the Messiah), but also in the personal promises that he made them.  God promised Simeon personally to see Jesus before he died.  Simeon believed him, trusted in it, and acted on it by watching for him.  As a result: he didn’t miss Jesus in the crowd and the throng of distraction that the temple could have been with people coming and going, animal sacrifices bleating or cooing, well, you get the idea.

What promises has God made you?  There are many upon many for us in scripture that he promised ALL believers no matter what era we are born.  God may have, through the Holy Spirit, spoken to you personally as well; promised you things too. 

Are you aware?  Are you awake to the things going on around you?  Or are you distracted by the commerce of the moment?  Do you worry the lists in your mind and miss the dramas that happen in front of you?


Lord, I pray for us to not lose sight of your promises. I pray that the tyranny of the urgent, doesn’t overshadow the plans you have for us.  I pray lastly that we act in belief on the things you tell us.  Amen. 

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