Today was spent working on my novel. I had a fellow writer friend call me and it got my juices going, so I pulled out the novel and spent some more time working on it today. As I'd reported earlier, I'd deleted a couple of long scenes and that brought my word count down from 51K to 44K. More, it put me in editor mode instead of writer mode and that nearly derailed me. I'm not going to delete anything else going forward until the first draft is done. *holds up two fingers in scouts honor* I don't want to kill the novel before it's done!
Part of my problem is that I'd ended at a natural breaking point in the story at the end of Nano. My main character is literally moving from one state to another and a whole new cast of characters need to be invented that she's going to interact with. I'd started Nano in November with a solid cast out of the gate and in some ways this feels like I'm starting over in telling the second half of the story.
But that can be good (if I can keep the editor in the closet). So, here's to adding another couple of pages and updating my WIP meter on the side. (I keep playing with the color of the progress bar... which is procrastinating, I know!)
Okay, getting offline so I can plunk a few more words down on the story before I take the clan ice skating. They have one more week of vacation before school starts again.
I hope you are able to enjoy your after-Christmas break. No matter if it's getting a project done that you finally have time for, or finding ways to unwind...
Okay, really closing now.
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