Friday, April 20, 2012
Prayer Focus: China, PRC
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 6, Psalms 36,39,77,78
I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked. There is no fear of God before their eyes. In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin. (Psalm 36:1-2)
I read this and I just can't get over the phrasing "they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin". To say it boldly like that, it's easy to brush it off and not look at it too closely, thinking that the ego-centric verbage doesn't really apply to us. But if you can bear with me for a moment and hold that squirming puppy down, I'd like to look at it for a moment.
We are constantly bombarded, with messages designed to flatter us into buying some product or service that will make us feel fulfilled and happy. In fact, the secular world would have us believe that our happiness should take priority, the American Dream is all about the pursuit of happiness. Even our mothers "only want us to be happy", right?
But while we are busy making ourselves comfortable I wonder if we can hear that still small voice that calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. (Luke 9:23-24) What happens to service, submission and sacrifice when we follow the siren call to follow our own happiness instead of seeking first after God?
As much as I'd like to gloss over that verse and think that it applies to other people, and not me, I am fully aware that my heart is deceitful and able to put a spin on anything in order to justify my getting what I want.
That's why I need to study the word of God. Because that's where I am going to find the truth, learn the truth, and be transformed by the truth. The only thing that separates me from the wicked mentioned in this verse above is the fear of God. The bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10)
I think I fall into the same trap that many of you might, the desire to be the hero in my own story. To justify my actions, gain popular approval for my justifications and present myself in the most flattering light. But when I do this, chase my own glory, then I am no longer able to detect, let alone hate, my sin.
Father, the bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it"? Therefore, I come to your son, who you said is the way the truth and the life. I will fear your disapproval more than I fear the disapproval of others. I ask that you strip my sins bare, remove the disguise I dressed them in, let me see them for what they are, so that I might hate them the way I should.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Yes, it's that time of year. It's time to plow full steam ahead into graduation party planning. I think I have the bare bones of what I want in play; who's catering, where it's going to be held and on what day and time. This week I'll be searching out decorations, a tent, filling out and sending out invitations... It's exciting to be forward planning and not tied up in worried knots.
I'm reading through the bible in a year, along with many other members in our church, and today's reading has us in Chronicles. It's pretty dry reading all by it's self. But when you put it in the context of life changes and milestones (like the one I am currently planning for my eldest daughter) it's enough to take my breath away. I see the history and their linkages, generation after generation of people who lived, loved, had children, grandchildren, buried their spouses and were mourned in their turn. I imagine all of those milestones stacked atop one another and it hits me... The God of the universe is intimately involved in the everyday decisions that they made, that I make.
The milestones our children achieve are important to Him. They become benchmarks for memory. They are places where paths diverge and the tiny angle of degree that they choose in these days play out into the realms of where they go to school, what they choose for careers, who they meet that imbue their lives, who they marry and where they will live.
There is this thing that has to happen when a child comes of age, when the parent steps back and no longer gets to take credit for the choices their children make, nor can they take blame. It's hard though. We've spent our entire lives sheltering them, picking up after them, interceding for them, and taking total responsibility.
So, as I go through the process of letting go, of encouraging Lyss to make her own decisions and supporting her when she does, I have to remember that I'm not leaving her alone. She's still in the father's hands. She still has a comforter, redeemer-savior who is intimately involved in her every day. Who knows how many plot twists her life will have, but with each milestone and benchmark she arrives at, she has access to the very same hands that held mine.
I'll trust Him to care for her like he cared for me. That no matter how high and low her experiences take her, she will never be alone.
And that will be enough.
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I'm reading through the bible in a year, along with many other members in our church, and today's reading has us in Chronicles. It's pretty dry reading all by it's self. But when you put it in the context of life changes and milestones (like the one I am currently planning for my eldest daughter) it's enough to take my breath away. I see the history and their linkages, generation after generation of people who lived, loved, had children, grandchildren, buried their spouses and were mourned in their turn. I imagine all of those milestones stacked atop one another and it hits me... The God of the universe is intimately involved in the everyday decisions that they made, that I make.
The milestones our children achieve are important to Him. They become benchmarks for memory. They are places where paths diverge and the tiny angle of degree that they choose in these days play out into the realms of where they go to school, what they choose for careers, who they meet that imbue their lives, who they marry and where they will live.
There is this thing that has to happen when a child comes of age, when the parent steps back and no longer gets to take credit for the choices their children make, nor can they take blame. It's hard though. We've spent our entire lives sheltering them, picking up after them, interceding for them, and taking total responsibility.
So, as I go through the process of letting go, of encouraging Lyss to make her own decisions and supporting her when she does, I have to remember that I'm not leaving her alone. She's still in the father's hands. She still has a comforter, redeemer-savior who is intimately involved in her every day. Who knows how many plot twists her life will have, but with each milestone and benchmark she arrives at, she has access to the very same hands that held mine.
I'll trust Him to care for her like he cared for me. That no matter how high and low her experiences take her, she will never be alone.
And that will be enough.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Life, Moving On
It's been a long hiatus in making posts here. Jess went in for surgery and all the posts I've been making since then are at CarePages, detailing her recovery. We are far enough past the hospital now that I can think again, have enough energy left over to be creative with it.
The next thing I need to focus on, is Alyssa's graduation party. I'm so proud of that girl. She keeps herself pretty busy, and the next few weeks are going to be a blur as she goes through the final steps of high school. I'll be spending the next couple of weeks pulling pictures together to make one of those picture filled posters, I'll also set appointments with the family member who will help me with the food. She does it for a living, so, yeah - you should all be jealous that I have this amazing woman as a resource. (I'm reluctant to name her without getting her permission first. But if she says yes, I'll devote a whole post or two to help out with advertising for her.)
The end of this month is the spring play, Willy Wonka. Today was a set build, Jess got to visit them as we delivered lunch to her sisters. She'd love to be there, but we have to get her off the pain meds before that happens. She will work the sound board where the portable mic's feed into from the actors. Alyssa is playing Mrs. Gloop and Megan is an Oompa Loompa. I'm really looking forward to it! If you know me personally, send me an e-mail and I'll give you all the deets about time, place and ticket price.
The next thing I need to focus on, is Alyssa's graduation party. I'm so proud of that girl. She keeps herself pretty busy, and the next few weeks are going to be a blur as she goes through the final steps of high school. I'll be spending the next couple of weeks pulling pictures together to make one of those picture filled posters, I'll also set appointments with the family member who will help me with the food. She does it for a living, so, yeah - you should all be jealous that I have this amazing woman as a resource. (I'm reluctant to name her without getting her permission first. But if she says yes, I'll devote a whole post or two to help out with advertising for her.)
The end of this month is the spring play, Willy Wonka. Today was a set build, Jess got to visit them as we delivered lunch to her sisters. She'd love to be there, but we have to get her off the pain meds before that happens. She will work the sound board where the portable mic's feed into from the actors. Alyssa is playing Mrs. Gloop and Megan is an Oompa Loompa. I'm really looking forward to it! If you know me personally, send me an e-mail and I'll give you all the deets about time, place and ticket price.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Hope and Wait
Prayer Focus: China, PRC
Bible Reading: Psalm 121-125, 128-130
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. (Psalm 130, 3-5)
This is one of those verse that I aspire to. One that I can say with conviction with my mouth, because I really do believe it... but my life shows how often I fail at it. Especially the waiting part. Another verse in our reading today comes from Psalm 124, verse 7. It says: "We have escaped like a bird from the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped." I think that I forget in my every day... take it for granted, that I have indeed escaped from the fowlers snare. I go about my busyness of life, the crisis of the moment, the thing that screams the loudest in my ear and attend to that instead of waiting with my whole being for the Lord.
How real is my sin to me? Do I really understand the depth of it; the consequences of it? No. Who could stand up under it? I am guilty of taking Him and what He's done for me for granted. I mouth words of praise and still the battle in my heart rages.
The verse also says "In His Word, I put my hope." In His Word, his promise, his son. My battle is to put my hope THERE, and not on the things I can see, feel, hear and touch... so that I can serve Him instead of my self.
Lord, today I will count my blessings, starting with the thankfulness that I have indeed escaped death like a bird from the Fowler. Help me to rise up on wings of eagles. As the song by Chris Tomlin goes, "Hope will rise as we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord" I will use this song as it circles in my mind, to recall of all the things you have delivered me from. I will intentionally put my hope in your word.
Bible Reading: Psalm 121-125, 128-130
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. (Psalm 130, 3-5)
This is one of those verse that I aspire to. One that I can say with conviction with my mouth, because I really do believe it... but my life shows how often I fail at it. Especially the waiting part. Another verse in our reading today comes from Psalm 124, verse 7. It says: "We have escaped like a bird from the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped." I think that I forget in my every day... take it for granted, that I have indeed escaped from the fowlers snare. I go about my busyness of life, the crisis of the moment, the thing that screams the loudest in my ear and attend to that instead of waiting with my whole being for the Lord.
How real is my sin to me? Do I really understand the depth of it; the consequences of it? No. Who could stand up under it? I am guilty of taking Him and what He's done for me for granted. I mouth words of praise and still the battle in my heart rages.
The verse also says "In His Word, I put my hope." In His Word, his promise, his son. My battle is to put my hope THERE, and not on the things I can see, feel, hear and touch... so that I can serve Him instead of my self.
Lord, today I will count my blessings, starting with the thankfulness that I have indeed escaped death like a bird from the Fowler. Help me to rise up on wings of eagles. As the song by Chris Tomlin goes, "Hope will rise as we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord" I will use this song as it circles in my mind, to recall of all the things you have delivered me from. I will intentionally put my hope in your word.
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