Wednesday, August 24, 2005


TriMo Begins September 1st 2005 / Ends November 31st 2005
0/50,000 Words Written

Things to do today (yeah right… I know it won’t all get done.)
Home: Sort through my inbox (always!) Open Journal page and sort out my day over coffee. Pay bills, catch up the transactions into QuickBooks. Move desk and bookshelf downstairs. Three loads of laundry. Clean off the piles on my desk and stacked beside it. If I am really efficient, I will even sort my “to file pile.” Yay! Today I don’t have to drive the tutoring loop!

Ritt’s End LLC: Catch up daycare time log. Record payments received. Make deposit. Write, stuff and mail a fall-season parent letter. Deliver stack of fliers to schools and the gym across the street.

Church: Base Camp (evening meetings): Contact volunteers for the Jr. High group and create a new schedule for 2005-2006 school year of events and meetings. Base Camp (Sunday school): Outline suggestions /ideas for curriculum units to cover for the year. FirstWork (The church prayer and praise e-mail) Get the snail mail version to the mail box, since Tuesday the e-mail version went out.
Notebored: Catch up on the crits for the Polish Challenge over at NoteBored, Sort out who is moderating the Wednesday Challenge.

Writers Hideout E-Zine: Okay, I admit that nothing has happened yet beyond my mock up and crazy idea for how to market it. But, I am afraid that if I don’t put it out there in front of me, I will loose it in the shuffle. Plus, when I am working on it, I have a place to record progress.

Current Book(s) I am reading for fun: Drums of Autumn – Diana Gabaldon, Mummy – Ann Rice

Books (s) I am learning from: Shattered Dreams – Larry Crab, A Young Woman after God’s Own Heart – Elizabeth George

Movies(s) I have rented or bought: Oceans Eleven, National Treasure

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I am in a strange kind of mood today. The closest I can relate it to, is when I was pregnant and about do deliver “any day.” It’s a nesting thing.

Bill and I have been rearranging the house to make more room for the daycare. We’ve been and turning the basement more into our living room, swapping out den furniture and the bigger TV, and the stereo cabinet for more floor space upstairs. The hope is that soon I will hire on help for the daycare and have room for up to 12 children.

Two days ago, the girls split up roommates and rooms, there is now 3 in one room and the eldest now has her very own room for the first time in her nearly 12 years. Soon I will be exchanging what clothes they have in their dressers for the winter season and the next size up. It’s amazing how long their legs grew while they were playing in shorts all summer! I see “the routine” looming, changes to the house reflect it.

To whatever degree, this journal is my effort at structuring my inner self to reflect those changes too. I don’t want to just make this public to-do list. But I do think it’s fun to have a place to record where my day goes so that it doesn’t slip through my fingers. I am easily distracted; I am hoping this will help.

Ah well, I am off to switch the load of laundry that is buzzing at me, fold that “now-done” load, put away the dishes that are drying on the sink, finish paying bills and putting stamps on the snail-mail FirstWork.

Then I am off to make sure we have a Wednesday Challenge set up, and read and crit the Polish Challenge stories.


cary said...

Heh - and I thought my day of working at the computer was full of things to do. All I'm doing is laying out cabinets for the plant to build.

Work steady, you'll get it all done!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you bck to blogging regularly. I bring you quotes from MSN Encarta Premium:

Motivation by ideas can achieve miracles but...motivators have to deliver.

Motivation produces is the movement which enables us to distinguish between the "quick" and the "dead".

The first "managers" assumed that as the stick worked for animals it would also work for the managed.

Dreams are the most powerful motivators of all.

Nick Thornely

Leadership: the Art of Motivation, 1993. (co-written with Dan Lees)

Melanie Roum said...

Honey you sure are a busy woman! I'm not sure I could handle so much responsibility. I do some private journaling in the mornings that usually helps me get focused.

BTW, I found you on LSBlogs Forum. Do visit mine also, if you can find the time LOL

cube said...

Wow, you are a busy bee. I got tired just reading about your day.