Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Comments needed!

It’s been way too long since I updated my journal. I am sorry for that. I know that there are a few of you who do check in everyday.

I have spent the last few weeks working on the VBS skits for my church. E-mail me if you want to read a copy of them, or you can join the NoteBored ( and read them on the play forum.

Speaking of the NoteBored, it’s growing! We’ve had lots of new people join recently and the writing contests are picking up speed too. We just finished a challenge with the word “Star” as the trigger and tomorrow the voting ends to choose which story was best. Very cool.

I have hit a point now where I need to decide where to focus my writing time. Should I buckle down and finish one of the longer stories I have going, but not finished? Or should I start revising the plethora of short stories that sit on my hard drive? If, after reading the list of things I have going from the previous entry, you have one that strikes your interest, please leave me a comment. Chances are good that if you are interested in it from the description, an editor might be interested in it in its final form. If you do leave me a suggestion; and you want to see the revised version of what you’ve chosen, send me an e-mail asking for a copy and I will gladly let you read it too. (I just can’t publish it here if I want to sell it in the future.)

Feedback is a good thing!

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