Monday, May 02, 2005

Doctor Update

I never told those who might be interested what happened with the doctor. I just got busy with other stuff and sidetracked.

I did go to the doctor and after hearing what I'd been going through, he took a listen to my ticker and told me that my heart was fine. Apparently, when you have a sensitive Autonomic Nervous System, your heart rate speeds up when you breathe in and slows down when you breathe out. Mine is very sensitive. When I asked what the ANS is, he told me that it's the part of your system that governs the workings of your internal organs, the reactions that your skin goes through when you are scared, touched, embarrassed etc. It also is what controls the beats and regulations of your heart. The ANS is what they measure when you take a lie detector test.

All of this clicked for me. I have always been hyperactive reactive and would startle easily (many jokes in my life on watching me jump) and when upset, my whole chest and neck would radiate red (I realize everyone’s does this to one degree or another, but mine was on the extreme end). I haven't been in physical danger since the abuse stopped. I haven't had the "crisis management" style of living that lead to the skin turning colors lately.... but now it's manifested in this stage of my happily-married and steady life into heart palpitations.

What did the doctor do? He told me to deal with my stress. I am so glad he didn't try to put me on meds, or send me to get a bazillion more tests done! But I am learning a valuable lesson about dealing head on with what's bothering me and in finding effective ways of coping with what stress does to my body.

I have billing to get out today, so I can’t spend as much time lingering on an update as I would like. I will be back though. Thank you to all of you who read my blog and said a prayer or helpful thoughts in my direction.

I will leave you with one cool thing I saw this morning. A robin has found a patch of dead grass near our house (the spot where the concrete steps sat, until the cement patio outside our back door got laid). Well it’s been coming back and forth grabbing hunks of the grass to build it’s nest. It was very cool to point it out to the girls and share a very girly “Aww” moment.

I hope your day is going well, reader. Thank you for taking time to spend some of it with me today.


Dana said...

Glad to hear that you went to the doctor and know you know what is causing your heart problems. I know when I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse, any time I got nervous, my heart would go nuts.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done! A beautiful image at the end.:)