Thursday, April 21, 2005

the NoteBored

Hey all, sorry I haven’t put anything up in a while. Been busy writing and playing in my personal playground, The NoteBored. You are welcome to stop by and see what I have been up to by clicking here: and seeing the new collaborative project of the “Market” forum. If any of you who troll through from Blog Explosion, Blogazoo or Blog Clicker are writers, trying to get published, and you are looking for a place to pool your resources, then you have found the jackpot!

I run a peer-review, writers workshop. You’re invited to the party!

Some things to know about The NoteBored:
1. It’s a moderated, family friendly forum with all the adult content behind a hidden forum, accessible only through a private message to me (Deanna) in order to open it up.
2. It’s password protected to insure that your first publications rights are still intact should you want to publish anything you submit for review. That means that you need to register if you want to see any of the forums that are behind the Front Porch.
3. If you participate in the Writer’s Workshop, you must also do your share of reviews. We will sport you the first one free, after that, return reviews for the ones you get. This keeps the boards active and fair.
4. If you don’t like to write and would rather just have a place to shoot the breeze, we have forums for that too. We have current events, debates, tech and gaming talk … or simple rambling. All are welcome.

Come and join us! I look forward to meeting you!

Friday, April 08, 2005

I know someone famous!

If you go here:

You will see the latest news on a man I went to Highschool with. David Goyer. He was a few years older than I and won't likely remember me, but darn, how cool is that?

We were in the same drama group and he was with the cool crowd... he certainly made good, didn't he?

The appointment is set

The appointment is set

Okay, I did it. I called my doctor and made the appointment. It’s for the 14th. I still think that my troubles are from the caffeine I have been drinking.

You see, caffeine is a diuretic. Diuretics drain your body of potassium. Loss of potassium is what causes the heart galloping. The potassium is the element in your system that conducts the electrical impulses, the electrolytes. Your heart is governed by the electrical impulses that cause it to contract.

(This is of course based on what I have read, and not from what a doctor has told me.)

But a very dear friend of mine demanded that I “verify” that that was the case.

My husband ratted me out to his co-worker and my good friend, and she also asked if I’d set the appointment. So… there you have it. I am glad I said something, because my first inclination was to not say anything at all. Partly out of fear of what they’d say, partly out of dread of the doctor visits and tests that they’d run. I feel my heart squeezing even now at the thought of the cost.

If I had figured out what my problem was, and weaned myself off the caffeine before I had mentioned it to Bill (or here in my blog) then I would have avoided this whole thing.

Ah well. One day at a time and all that. I won’t go shopping for tomorrows worries. The ones that live in “today” are plenty to keep me stressed.

On to other things, I have two flash challenges I am going to try to submit for today (flash being that you are given a topic or a prompt and then you spend an hour or so writing a short story – Fun!).

They will have to wait for naptime though. Spring break means my own kids are here and the daycare kids. Too many interruptions to be productive, plus, a gal has to have her priorities in the right spot… play after the responsibilities are done.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Spring Break

This is spring break for my kids and I just haven’t been in front of the computer as much this week. So if you have been wondering where I am, well there you go.

Yesterday we went to the zoo, three other mothers and me. This group had large families like I do. Now, I like the zoo. I like that you can spend a day in the sunshine, get pictures of the kids, frozen moments in time. But almost always, someone gets lost. Never for long, usually it’s because one child or another either ran on to the next exhibit in their enthusiasm or assumed with the group when we did move on. Always we have a near scare. I started to hyperventilate when I added it up and realized that there were 18 children. In fact, if you had told me that I could go to the zoo with 18 children and not loose anyone AND have a great time I would’a said you were nuts. But we did have a wonderful time… and I did get some fun pictures.

On another note, I have been having some health issues that have started to concern me. In the past, I have had heart palpitations or irregularities. It’s like my heart would stumble around for a few beats, find it’s rhythm again and then would be fine. It never hurt, it always passed and then I wouldn’t have an episode again for a long while.

This month, it’s been happening every day. Usually there wasn’t any pain, just that curious sensation of stumbling or speeding up, short of breath, like I’d been running when I was just sitting there. Occasionally in this last month, I would get a tightness or pressure in my chest, usually during stressful situations. At this, I told my husband about them. He was worried and told me to see a doctor. I haven’t yet. I am chicken and afraid of what they will say. It’s easier to say “I have daycare kids coming.” Of course, I just blocked out a day to take my own kids to the zoo, shouldn’t this heart thingy be more important?

Ya think?

Now ask me if I have done it yet.


I did look up my symptoms in this big medical book and I think I may be reacting to too much caffeine. So, I am going to lay off the coffee and diet coke, eat more bananas for my electrolytes, and see if that makes a difference.