Today I am trying to unravel the Gordian knot that is my novel. Its the last push, only seven more chapters left in the original draft, and I've hit a wall. So, I'm procrastinating, writing an update here instead of doing the two revised character sketches that might provide the answers to my plot problems.
You see, after several years of floundering, feeling whelmed by the task of editing this 540 page monster, I've been blessed with a lady who is graciously giving me her time and expertise in the larger editing, not line by line, grammar or word choice stuff, but the bigger picture things. I think that the actual editing, rewrites / cuts will come easier than this painful process. (Easy for me to say from this side of the outlining. *grin*)
Stephanie has given me a breakdown of my novel in cards, detailing each scene and providing reactions, feedback, and pointing out logic errors and asking pointed questions. This has proved to be an amazing tool. Using this this as my checklist, I'm literally driving the new outline by the answers to those observations and questions.
In anycase, to have this resource, after all these years of whining and avoiding, to NOT make use of it, would be wrong. There would be no excuse left for me to hide behind.
Okay. That it. I just spanked myself back to staying on task and going back to the outline.
Next time I update I'll tell you about the other projects I have on the burner.
Thanks for stopping in to check on my progress.
I still love that you say "whelmed" where others would jump to "overwhelmed." You have a discerning eye (mind?) when it comes to words. I can't wait to read the book.
I'm thinking we should call this word usage a "Deeism", but that doesn't sound right. I don't why. I can't put my finger upon it. :)
Thank you for taking the time to read what I write here. And especially for commenting! It's encouraging to know I'm not talking to myself.
I went to my writers group meeting last night and got some new possibilties for solving my "bad guy" problems. Still plugging away.
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