Friday, March 01, 2013

Two Whole Years

Scripture: Acts 28
30  For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him.  31 Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 28:30-31)

In today’s reading, we see that Paul is still making his way toward Rome.  It seems that the enemy tosses everything to thwart God’s plan for Paul in his path.  He shipwrecks and they wash up on Malta.  God intervenes with welcoming natives.  The enemy uses a snakebite to try to kill him, God intervenes by not letting the venom make him sick (he just shakes it off).  The enemy uses the healing to try and deify Paul, the natives say he’s a god because he didn’t get sick. 

The word doesn’t tell us for certain, but by now we know the nature of Paul and can guess what he said to THAT notion!  The local Roman representative on the island invites them to stay with him, and while there, out of compassion for him, Paul heals his sick father.  What does the enemy do?  He uses the fervor of the natives and brings Paul every sick person on the island!  What does God do?  He heals every single one of them through Paul. 

What the enemy used to try to stop the gospel from coming to the gentiles, God used to increase the power of his name. 

When Paul finally gets to Rome, the enemy has withdrawn for a time. He had a guard who stayed with him while he was under house arrest, but had two whole years to preach the kingdom unhindered. 

When I think of all the times and ways that God has intervened in my own life I am humbled by it.  Between the enemy throwing obstacles in my path, the random awful things that just happen, and the messes I’ve made of my life because of my own bad choices it’s amazing to me that I am in this time and in this place and speaking to you now about the purposes of God. 

Because that’s what it’s all about you know, HIS Purposes.  Way back in chapter 23 the Lord told Paul he had a plan for him.  (Preach the gospel to the gentiles) Nothing stood in the way of that plan, because no matter what happened, (riots, prison, shipwrecks, vipers, or appeals to his vanity) Paul leaned in and followed where God was leading him.  He didn’t run away from it – and he didn’t try to negotiate a different path.

Two whole years; that phrase sticks with me because it represents a season of time, a chapter in a life.  What is God doing in/with/through you in the season of life that you are in?  Are you entering adulthood?  Are you raising small children or teenagers?  Are you struggling to redefine yourself without them? 

Wherever you are, whatever season you are in right now, I urge you to look and find the purpose.  “Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  This should be our daily prayer – our purpose.  Find ways we can bring kingdom where we are, in the season of life we’re in right now. 

Our father in heaven, teach us how to live the radical life you taught us from the sermon on the mount. (Mat:5-7)  Give us hearts that want this radical life more than we want our own comfort.  Give us the courage to lean into you and follow where you lead.  Amen. 

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