Photo by Deanna Rittinger |
It's cold! Polar Vortex storms, sub degree weather ... brrrr! I'm ready for winter to be over. I found these snowmen in my town on the way to dropping off my girls at school. I'm gonna guess that the people who live here are tired of winter too. That or they are really huge fans of Calvin and Hobbs cartoons. *grin*
It's been a long time since I used this blog for anything other than devotionals. Mostly because my husband felt that I over-shared with my posts and while I tend to live my life like an open book, he's much more private. This illustrates one of the many places that you learn to bend when you are inside a marriage that works hard at two becoming one. So I let the personal stuff sit for a few years and took up the commitment to write an article once a week in tandem with the church as a whole reading through the bible. I spent those years building into my character how to write to a point, within a format, and to a deadline. It did good things for me. One of the biggest things I learned is that I can share the truth I know in a form that doesn't over-share.
After a few months of playing hookey, I'm back to writing again. I have two projects in the hopper that are keeping me busy. One is a book of wisdom I'm writing for my kids. My legacy to them: things God has taught me about life, being a wife, parenting and friendship. It's patterned after the scripture found in Deut. 11:19 "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and
when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." It's coming along, resembling a big slab of clay right now. I keep tossing stuff in the document I think I want to cover, but it's not got much shape yet.
The other project is a rewrite of Echo. The 540 page monster I wrote several years ago needs block editing before I can even begin to work on a polish. So I've secured the help of a wonderful friend and fellow writer,
Stephanie Gillett. She's written her own novel and you can purchase
On Edge at Amazon.com. Go check it out, I'll wait for you to come back. *smile*
Anyway, she helped me by pulling the novel apart into various scenes and giving me detailed thoughts and asked pertinent questions regarding them. I'm now using this tool to rework the outline, and create a checklist of scenes to rework, create, or delete. This will keep the pesky details roped in to wrangle when I do the rewrite and force the novel to conform to the new outline. Right now, as I go back through the outline over and over making changes it doesn't feel like I'm making much progress. But I am working my way through her notes, and though each hard question I make the decision on means amending my outline the shape of the novel really is coming through with more clarity.
Oh! Also, my photography business,
Ritt's End Photography LLC made enough this year to break even on what I'd invested into it for equipment and marketing. Yay me! Along those lines, I've been approached by the high school Drama Club to take a more official stand with my photography and meeting their needs for documenting and archiving their productions. How cool is that? They are going to meet again and make some decisions, but even being approached for consideration is an honor to me.
Dexter Drama just finished up their production of Crazy For You, and will be rounding the corner on their yearly Student Directed Shorts; several one act plays that are entirely created, directed and produced by the students. Megan got cast on one of them, and I'm looking forward seeing what she does with the role.
Well, that's enough for today. Thanks for checking back with me.